Hi, my name is Roosevelt
A committed, passionate Full-Stack Web Developer and Helpdesk Manager

About Me

About me

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I'm a Helpdesk Manager with a passion for coding and web development. Since 2020, I've been designing and building applications while working on freelance projects and contributing to multiple small businesses.

Beyond IT, I'm always eager to learn new skills and technologies. I view programming challenges as opportunities to enhance my creative thinking and problem-solving abilities. To grow my skill set in programming and software development, I've enrolled in Udemy courses and dedicated time to building personal projects.

When I am not coding my next project, I enjoy spending time with my wife playing video games, playing basketball, or listening to random podcasts.

I also am very interested in game design and DIY tech!

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Background Generator

A visual tool for creating gradient backgrounds.

See Live Source Code

Tic Tac Toe

TicTacToe game created using JavaScript.

See Live Source Code

Contact me

If you'd like to talk you can reach me at:
